
Small well-remembered than 10% read and 20%, which hears and 30%, which watched
The baby is the first step to build a human being developed and future industry leaders of tomorrow, and if what we have prepared the proper social education, and provided him culture channels and laughed him some media effort we have prepared a strong generation intellectual, ambitious and creative able to tender the proper tender work, goodness and love
First, television is the lead for the rest of the means of communication like radio, movies and audio publications comic and print recordings, and studies have confirmed that the proportion remember the child's already heard or learned in his life different for different sense or senses that received the information from which to remember 10 percent of what he read and 20% of what he heard and 30% of what he saw, and the time spent by the child in front of television cut into the time that reacts it with his parents and his friends, and time spent in the play and in the test the rest of the surrounding elements of the environment which requires use this time in child development information and feeding his mind and enrich the language and encourage exercise senses and muscles and the development of talents and inclinations and his habit of good
Second, in the area of ​​child song: Proposed features of the song optimal child of the musical and in terms of melody and rhythm, and the intellectual religiously, socially and nationally, the song is considered for a child of great pleasure source, and can be used to strengthen the psychological composition and song of the child must be linked and proportionate in terms of Aiqaath and machinery and her words with the evolving and the different stages through which the child's stages of psychosocial development
Third in the field of Child magazine: must be simple and easy to understand the magazine relies on images depending essential, it must also crumpled distinct humor and joy, especially since the child tends inherently Permanent fun it must be characterized by the spirit of the magazine fun and joy, as it should be concerned with the movement and vitality to increase Hamas Child a child prefers a picture of the horse racing and being on the same image of the horse, who lived, ate, for example,
Child always tends to beautiful attractive basic colors only, it should simplify things for the child so that the basic colors are limited and at the same time attractive and bright
Must magazine style appropriate age child care for example, children from the age of 2 _ 4 only pictures without explanation, and 4 _ 6 suffered pictures with brief words to explain
IV in the child the story: If the first goal of the children's stories is entertainment for the young and the introduction of joy to their hearts as well as venting their wishes repressed and liberated some time from the social constraints Vkass children's cultural and educational goals often resorted to educators to disseminate information or scientific event 0